Sloths Are Awesome - page 6

With such a slow digestive system,
sloths do not need to get rid of
waste very often. Approximately once
a week, a sloth will climb down a
tree to poop. Three-toed sloths use
their short tails to dig a small hole.
After they are finished, they cover it
up with leaves.
The ground is a dangerous place for
a sloth to be. While on the ground,
the sloth’s back legs are not much
use. They are too weak to support
the sloth. The sloth must dig its front
claws into the ground and pull itself
along. Predators, such as a jaguar or
ocelot, are a threat. Sloths will try to
defend themselves by clawing and
biting at their predators.
Scientists are not sure why sloths
make the risky trip to the ground.
Sloths Poop Once
a Week
Sloths rarely come
down from trees.
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