Video Games and Culture - page 5

often passionate. It’s clear what video games do: they combine visuals
and interactivity with a story, problem, or goal that people choose
to engage with. But the question of the value and meaning of video
games is open. People disagree about what video games are for,
what they mean, and what their risks and benefits might be.
The details of the conversations surrounding two games,
Pokémon Go
, show how culture continues to argue
about the place of video games. Though the two games have different
gameplay and mechanics, the conversations about them have some
important similarities. Additionally, aside from discussing specific video
games, the big question of “Are video games art?” also sparks a type
of argument about where video games belong in modern culture.
The AR technology in
Pokémon Go
is a subject of much debate. Some people are
worried that players will spend more time in the digital world than in the real world.
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