Addicted to Gambling - page 6

Signs of Gambling Addiction
Compulsive gambling has been called the silent addiction. This
is because it generally leaves no physical signs. Often the family
members and friends of an addicted gambler have no idea there
is a problem until disaster strikes. Jodie Nealley, a recovering
gambling addict, notes, “Another difference between substance
abuse and gambling is that you can’t see it. I didn’t come home
smelling like bourbon. I didn’t come home with red eyes or needle
marks. I didn’t miss work. I didn’t have my spouse call me in sick
because I was hung over. My addiction—my illness—was invis-
ible and all the more devastating because of that.”
Physical signs may be lacking, but there are many behav-
ioral signs that provide clues to a gambling addiction. Gambling
addicts often will resort to lying to hide their obsession. When
they lie about how much time they are spending at the casino or
racetrack, there is obviously a problem. Compulsive gamblers are
consumed with thoughts about gambling and are always plan-
Some games of chance involve skill
and strategy, such as blackjack
(pictured). But many types of
gambling are based entirely on luck.
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