SAM Bolt Catalog - page 10-11

“Baseball fans will enjoy these short
overviews of some of Major League
Baseball’s biggest Latino stars … While
most of these men had a relatively swift
transition from minor to major leagues,
discussion of Cruz’s many years moving
around to various ball clubs offers a
message of persistence to readers. The
inclusion of graphics, statistics, trivia, and
a time line at the end of each book makes
them quick picks for browsers and fans.
VERDICT A sound additional purchase
wherever baseball fans can be found.”
–School Library Journal
HC ISBN 978-1-68072-045-7
eBook ISBN 978-1-68072-115-7
HC ISBN 978-1-68072-046-4
eBook ISBN 978-1-68072-116-4
HC ISBN 978-1-68072-049-5
eBook ISBN 978-1-68072-119-5
Béisbol! Latino Heroes of Major League Baseball
Hit a grand slam with this new Hi/Lo baseball series. Profiling the
very best of today’s pro ballplayers who learned the game in Latin
America, Béisbol! is perfect for all your sports fans. Jam-packed
with infographics, stats, and fun facts, these titles will have readers
developing critical thinking skills while simply enjoying a fun book.
HC ISBN 978-1-68072-044-0
eBook ISBN 978-1-68072-114-0
HC ISBN 978-1-68072-047-1
eBook ISBN 978-1-68072-117-1
1,2,3,4-5,6-7,8-9 12-13,14-15,16-17,18-19,20-21,22-23,24-25,26-27,28-29,30,...32
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