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Being Contagious

               A person who has the flu can pass on the virus before they even feel
               sick. Once they feel sick, they remain contagious for several days.
               Most people begin to show symptoms of the flu within two days of
               coming into contact with the virus. They then become contagious
               within three to four days of becoming sick. However,

               some people may be contagious just one day after
               catching the flu, before they even begin to
               show symptoms of the illness.

               Washing hands in warm, soapy water
               for 20 seconds is one of the most
               effective ways to stop the flu virus
               from spreading. It is especially

               important to wash hands
               before eating food or touching
               the eyes, nose, or mouth because

               these are routes that viruses can
               take into a person’s body.

                                                     handwashing is
                                                important not only to keep
                                                from getting the flu but also
                                                  to prevent passing it to
                                                       other people.

                  “When you wash your hands, you can prevent...1 in 5 respiratory
                 infections such as a cold or flu.”

                                                                                                  ”          9
                Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
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