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             adaptations (ad-ap-TAY-shunz): Ways groups of animals change
                 over time to help them survive, including changes in the way they
                 look and act

             camouflage (KAM-uh-flazh): Colors or patterns that help animals
                 blend in with their surroundings

             cold-blooded (KOHLD BLUHD-id): Cold-blooded animals use their
                 surroundings to change their body temperature

             herbivores (HUR-buh-vorz): Animals that eat only plants

             predators (PRED-uh-turz): Animals that hunt and eat other animals

             prey (PRAY): Animals that are hunted and eaten by other animals

             species (SPEE-sheez): One certain kind of animal within a group;
                 A loggerhead is a species within the sea turtle group.

             venomous (VEN-uhm-uhss): Animals that inject poison through a
                 bite or sting


             camouflage   18, 19                                lizard(s)   5, 14, 15, 17, 19
             chameleon(s)  15, 21                               tortoise(s)   5, 7, 12, 13

             crocodiles  5, 10, 11                              turtle(s)  5, 6, 7, 9, 10
             eggs   6                                           venomous   14

             geckos   20
   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12