No Return Address - page 6

Gail Anderson-Dargatz
he said. “Anyway, why would Uncle Doug mail
his yo-yo to you? It makes no sense.”
“None of this makes sense.” I held out
my hand, and Cody gave me back the toy.
“Why would my mother send this yo-yo, of
all things?” I held it for a moment, thinking of
trying it out again. Instead I dropped it in the
box. “I should forget the whole thing,” I said.
“Maybe I’ll just toss this yo-yo into the attic
with the rest of Mom’s stuff.”
Cody shook his head. “You
you have
to deliver the yo-yo to Uncle Doug, Mom.”
He tapped the letter. “It was Grandma’s last
wish.” Then he wiggled his fingers in my face
and spoke with a spooky voice. “If you don’t
deliver the yo-yo to Uncle Doug, Grandma
will haunt you!”
I gave him a gentle push to get him to stop.
“But why
? Why a year after her death?”
“Who knows? Grandma was a little eccen-
tric, always doing crazy things. Remember the
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