Page 10 - Fandom: Fic Writers, Vidders, Gamers, Artists, and Cosplayers
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of retroactive continuity, or retcon, which is the official replacement of a
                  previously established detail in canon with a new one.)
                      Holmes fans also created the practice they called the Game: treating
                  the stories as historical documents about a real detective written by his real
                  friend, Dr. John Watson. In the Game, Conan Doyle is just their literary
                  agent. Modern fans know the Game as the “in-universe” point of view,
                  which treats a story as if it were all real. Sherlockians called nonfiction
                  commentary on and discussions about the Sherlock Holmes stories the
                  Writings on the Writings. In modern fandom, this kind of bird’s-eye view is
                  called meta, a philosophical term meaning “beyond.”

                  “WE LIvE IN AN ENTIRELY NEw

                  WORLD”: LETTERS AND ZINES

                                                Early Janeite and Sherlockian fandoms
                                                were small and rather exclusive. Fandom
                                                began to spread more broadly after
                                                publisher Hugo Gernsback started
                                                Amazing Stories in 1926. It was the
                                                first US magazine devoted to science
                                                fiction––or scientifiction (scientific +
                                                fiction), as Gernsback called it—and
                                                it would further the careers of Isaac
                                                Asimov, Ursula K. Le Guin, and many
                                                other famous authors.

                                                 The first issue of Amazing Stories featured
                                                 cover art by Frank R. Paul. Publisher Hugo
                                                 Gernsback autographed this copy to a
                                                 fellow science-fiction fan.

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