Page 4 - Fandom: Fic Writers, Vidders, Gamers, Artists, and Cosplayers
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                    WORLD OF

                    FAN WRITERS

                     t is a truth universally acknowledged that if a story exists, there’s a
                      fanfiction version of it. That sentence itself is an example. It’s a
                    I mashup of the famous opening line of Jane Austen’s 1813 novel
                    Pride and Prejudice—“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that
                    a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of
                    a wife.” Rule 44 of the unofficial, always changing Rules of the
                    Internet—if something exists, there’s a fandom version of it.
                        Fanfiction, also called fanfic, or fic, is writing based on already
                    existing source material, including, but not limited to, books, TV
                    shows, games, movies, and comics. Fic writers chronicle the new
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