Adorable Animal Friendships - page 8

Antle, “Doc,” 23
bear, 20–22
cat, 8–9
chicken, 28–29
chimpanzee, 10–12
crow, 8–9
dog, 6–7
elephant, 14–15
giraffe, 18–19
hamster, 30–31
hippo, 16–17
kangaroo, 24–26
lion, 6–7, 20–22
ostrich, 18–19
puppies, 28–29
relationships, 13
sheep, 14–15
snake, 30–31
tiger, 20–22
tiger cubs, 10–12
TIGERS (The Institute for
Greatly Endangered and
Rare Species), 23
tortoise, 16–17
wombat, 24–26
Take a Position!
Some zookeepers think animals should share the same space. Do you think
predators and prey should live together in zoos? Or do you think animals should have their own areas? Argue
your point with reasons and evidence.
Say What?
Do some research. Find another strange animal friendship. Describe the friendship. Explain
why the friendship is strange.
Think About It!
“Opposites attract.” This is a popular saying. Think about your own friendships. Are
you friends with someone who is not like you? Describe your friendship. Explain why you two are friends.
Learn More!
• Holland, Jennifer S.
The Dog and the Piglet: And Four Other Stories of Animal Friendships
New York: Workman Publishing Company, 2012.
• Quattlebaum, Mary.
Together Forever! True Stories of Amazing Animal Friendships
. Washington, DC:
National Geographic, 2016.
• Spelman, Lucy.
National Geographic Animal Encyclopedia: 2,500 Animals with Photos, Maps, and More!
Washington, DC: National Geographic, 2012.
left behind
made a sound that a crow makes
baby chickens
cub (KUHB)
baby animal
groomed (GROOMD)
herd (HURD)
an animal group
hurricane (HUR-ih-kane)
bad storm
interspecies (IN-tur-spee-sheez)
animals from
different species
orphans (OR-fuhnz)
children without parents
predators (PRED-uh-turz)
prey (PRAY)
animals hunted as food
roosted (ROOST-id)
sat or rested
species (SPEE-sheez)
groups or types of animals
stray (STRAY)
not having a home or family
stressed (STRESD)
overly worried and tense
threat (THRET)
wallowed (WAH-lohd)
made a hole in mud and hung
out in it to cool off
Consider This!
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 9,10
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