Page 8 - The Universe and You
P. 8

Earth looks like a brilliant blue ball (with a few white                   The sizzling surface of the sun reaches 9,941 degrees
         clouds overhead) because nearly three-fourths of its                       Fahrenheit  (5,505  degrees  Celsius!).  The  sun  is  so
         surface is covered with water. Credit: NASA                                massive that more than one million Earths could fit
                                                                                    inside it. Credit: NASA/GSFC/Solar Dynamics Observatory

                                         Exploring the Universe

         Earth is always on the move! It spins around an imaginary line through its center called an axis,
         and makes one complete rotation in 24 hours. That’s why a day lasts 24 hours.

         Earth orbits, or circles, the sun, along with seven other planets—Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter,

         Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. They are part of our solar system (which also contains dwarf
         planets, moons, and other small celestial bodies). The sun’s large mass creates a powerful

         force called gravity, which holds the solar system together.
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