Page 8 - Anywhere but Paradise
P. 8

Howdy closes his mouth, but his ears stay in their
             I-don’t-trust-you position.

                “Howdy will be all right, Peggy Sue,” says Daddy.
             He stretches out his long legs and settles on the bench
             with his paperwork. “He’s a Bennett. And you brought
             him his favorite food.” Daddy hands me the aluminum
             foil with a few pieces of leftover chicken I saved from

             dinner last night.
                I lie on my side and place a piece of meat halfway
             between  my  cat  and  me.  Howdy  sniffs  the  air,  but

             doesn’t budge.
                I brought extra chicken for Tinkerbell, too, but all I
             see is an empty cage next door. Maybe it’s her checkup
                I wiggle closer to Howdy and reach for him again.

             Whop. Howdy’s paw hits my fingers. “Ouch,” I cry,
             and rub my hand.
                “No fighting, you two,” says Daddy.

                “Not funny,” I say.
                “Just give him a little more breathing room.”
                So  I  do.  I  scoot  back,  but  my  eyes  never  leave
             him. “Everything is going to be okay, Howdy. I

                                     •  q  •

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