Page 5 - My FlipBook
P. 5

to date? Who to have sex with? Whether to kiss, date, or have sex with
                  anyone at all? The answers to these giant, complicated questions come
                  from you and your values.
                     Values are the set of principles that define the way you want to
                  be in the world. They guide not just what you do but what you believe.
                  Values come from all parts of your life—from your family, your friends,
                  your culture, and your communities. Sometimes these values match
                  your feelings and beliefs perfectly. Sometimes they don’t. If they don’t,
                  you have the right to question them and to shape your values in a way
                  that makes sense for you. If you find yourself questioning the values of
                  people in your life, look for people who share values closer to yours and
                  talk to them. You get to pick what values feel most important to you and
                  what defines the absolute core of who you are. You define your values
                  for yourself.
                     Not everyone has the same values. What’s important to you is
                  not the same as what’s important to everyone else. Recognizing that
                  difference is essential for helping you make decisions and understanding
                  the decisions other people make. Whenever you face a difficult situation,
                  it’s helpful to ask, “Well, what choice is most in line with my values?”
                     Figuring out your values requires examining the big ideas behind
                  your desires. Here are some examples. Do any of these describe what’s
                  most important to you? Make a list of your core values. Here are some
                  ideas to get started:

                     •  living an independent life
                     •  respecting privacy and personal choices
                     •  exploring the world as much as possible
                     •  respecting my parents’ wishes
                     •  supporting my family
                     •  being a compassionate friend
                     •  behaving as my religion tells me to

                                                            YoUr BOdY, YOUR rULes   5
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