Page 9 - Tracking Tortoises: The Mission to Save a Galápagos Giant
P. 9

AINOA NIETO                                                       IRENE PEÑA
               CLAUDIN                                                           Title: Volunteer with the
               Title: Researcher for the                                         Charles Darwin Foundation
               Charles Darwin Foundation                                         Education: Veterinary
               and Saint Louis Zoo Institute                                     Medicine degree from the
               for Conservation Medicine                                         Complutense University of

               Education: Veterinary                                             Madrid
               Medicine degree from the                                          Irene grew up in a family
               Complutense University of                                         with lots of animals—
               Madrid and currently working                                      everything from dogs and
               on a PhD in Veterinary
               Medicine                                                          cats to cows and pigs. She
                                                                                 was interested in medicine
               Ainoa Nieto Claudin grew up                                       but wasn’t sure she wanted
               in Madrid, Spain, and has                                         to work with people, so her
               wanted to be a veterinarian                                       mom suggested veterinary
               since she was four years old.                                     medicine. She volunteered with the foundation for a year,
               Her aunt was a vet, and by the time she was ten, she was          helping to prepare samples for analysis in the lab.
               helping out at her aunt’s clinic, even assisting with
               surgeries. She says working with the Galápagos Tortoise
               Movement Ecology Programme in the Galápagos Islands
               is a dream come true.
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