Page 4 - My FlipBook
P. 4

ChaPter 1

                  used to have an imaginary friend, but one day
               “I George got tired of sitting around waiting to be
               imagined, so he left.” I immediately regret saying that.
                  My step-cousins, Jason and Morgan, and Mor-
               gan’s know-it-all friend whose name I forget stare
               at me as though I’m the dumbest person in the pizza
               parlor, and they’re probably right.

                  “Your imaginary friend’s name is George,” Mor-
               gan sneers, nudging her friend. The two of them
               crack up.
                  “Ex-imaginary friend,” I correct, as if that makes
               all the difference. My face must be as red as the cheap
               plastic booth we’re sitting in, or at least as pink as the
               bright streaks that pop against Morgan’s otherwise
               jet-black hair.

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