Page 8 - My FlipBook
P. 8

        Temperament is the bedrock of personality. It can be hard to
        differentiate the two, but personality is actually the expression
        of temperament.

        Temperament is defined as the innate emotional activity that
        we inherit from our parents and is identifiable when we are
        tiny babies in the way we, say, react to strangers or a change in
        temperature or light. Temperament can be developed or squashed
        by the way we are raised, including how receptive our caregivers
        were to our needs, but it remains our default condition. Some
        of the characteristics studied in babies that are associated with
        temperament are:

          •  Activity levels (relaxed or amped)
          •  Consistency of habits (sleeping, eating)
          •  Distractibility
          •  Sensitivity
          •  Irritability/frustration
          •  Persistence
          •  Approach/withdrawal to novelty

        These qualities are, in the very broadest of terms, inherited from
        your folks and are the psychological hand you are dealt when you
        come into this world. The more accepting you are of your natural
        temperament, the easier it will be to create a life that works for you.
        In other words, you can grow into your personality, but you can’t
        grow out of your temperament.

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