Page 4 - My FlipBook
P. 4

imagine a seven-year-old from Anywhere,

                                   U.S.A.—or Sheboygan, Wisconsin, to be exact.
                                   Brooklyn Dodgers cap on head, baseball mitt in

                                   hand, the boy would race outside after school

                                   to play pitcher, batter, and announcer all in one.
                                   Though his younger sister Judi sometimes roamed

                                   the outfield behind him, Ronnie Rabinovitz kept

                                   his eyes focused on the most formidable of World

                                   Series foes: the garage door.

                                   His bedroom was like an artful Dodger’s dugout,

                                   his backyard as green and smooth as a miniature

                                   Ebbets Field. In those days, nearly every American
                                   schoolboy followed a favorite team, but for Ronnie,

                                   it wasn’t simply a pastime but an obsession.

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