Page 9 - Law and Order
P. 9


               appeal (uh-PEEL) a case that asks a higher court to   jury duty (JOOR-ee DOO-tee) the obligation of a
               review a lower court’s legal decision   citizen to serve on a jury
               bailiff (BAY-lif) an official in a court of law who   legislative (LEJ-is-lay-tiv) branch of the federal
               maintains order in the court            government that is made up of Congress
               campaign (kam-PAYN) to take an organized action   mistrial (MIS-trye-uhl) a trial that has no legal
               in order to achieve a particular goal   effect because of some error that happened during
                                                       the proceedings
               counterfeiting (KOUN-tur-fit-ing) faking something
               but looking almost exactly like the real thing  prosecutors (PRAH-sih-kyoo-turz) lawyers who
                                                       represent the government in criminal trials
               cyberterrorism (SYE-bur-TER-uh-RIZ-uhm) the
               politically motivated use of computers to   search warrant (SURCH WOR-uhnt) an order from
               intentionally cause severe disruption and   a court that allows the police to enter and search a
               widespread fear in society              place
               evidence (EV-ih-duhns) information and facts that   separation of powers (sep-uh-RAY-shuhn of
               help prove something is true or not true  POU-urz) the system in place so that executive,
                                                       judicial, and legislative decisions are made by
               executive (ig-ZEK-yuh-tiv) branch of the federal   different people
               government that is headed by the president
                                                       suspects (SUHS-spekts) people who are thought to
               judicial (joo-DISH-uhl) branch of the federal   have committed crimes
               government that is made up of the court system
                                                       trials (TRYE-uhlz) examinations of evidence in
               jurisdiction (joor-es-DIK-shuhn) the limits within   courts of law to decide if charges or claims are true
               which a certain authority may be exercised
                                                       verdict (VUR-dikt) the decision of a jury on whether
               jury (JOOR-ee) a group of people, usually 12 in   an accused person is guilty or not
               number, who listen to the facts at a trial and decide
               whether the accused person is guilty or not guilty

               checks and balances, 6     judges, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14—18, 21  police, 15, 16, 22, 24, 27, 29
               Congress, U.S., 4, 7, 13   judicial branch, 4, 6—7   Postal Inspectors, U.S., 24, 27
               Constitution, U.S., 4—7    jury, 14, 15, 18—20, 21   president, 4, 8, 13, 24
               courts, 8—13. See also Supreme
                 Court                    law enforcement, 22—29    Secret Service, 24, 25
                                          laws, 4, 6, 7, 9          Senate, U.S., 8, 13
               executive branch, 4        lawyers, 9, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20—21,   separation of powers, 6
                                           22                       Supreme Court, 4, 7–11, 27
               FBI (Federal Bureau of     legislative branch, 4
                 Investigation), 22, 24                             trials, 14–16, 18, 20
                                          Miranda warning, 27
               House of Representatives, 13

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