Page 7 - My FlipBook
P. 7

Christine Hurley Deriso

                     me.  r, to  ut it even more succinctly, the Ethans are the
                     stars of the show.  he  ades are the e tras.
                         ut whatever.  ho cares. I’ve got real  roblems now.  y
                     stomach clenches for the four-thousandth time of the day.

                          orry,   tan tells me as his eyes follow Ethan’s tre
                     toward the free weights.   here’s always that one straggler,
                          oc  u  when he’s done
                        I manage a smile.   o  roblem.


                      hoa.  etter ma e this  uic .
                        I’d  lanned to run on the greenway today, but as I got
                     in my  orolla and headed for the  ar , I heard thunder
                     rumbling.  o I swung by  egal  ym instead. It closes at

                     si  which, technically, is, li e, now but I figured it was
                     worth a shot to zi  in.  he worst that could ha  en is being
                     turned away, right
                        I hate inconveniencing the staff, but I can’t miss a day
                     of training, even on our one day off from football  ractice.
                      oach  avis has been wor ing us hard all summer, but
                     now that the first game of the season is five days away,
                     he’s  ic ed our wor outs into overdrive. Hours of side
                      lan s, ab crunches, lat  ull-downs, and a thousand other


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