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                            E . J .  S CHW A R T Z. J .  S CHW A R T Z

               If this is true, and Alyssa really did die, it’s not good news
            for any of us. The nurses will crack down on regulations, prob-
            ably be more paranoid than ever, and limit our free time to
            nothing. They’ll be worrywarts and never believe that we’re
            better. We’ll never get out of here.
               “Supposedly a new girl is coming today, but maybe it’s

            been postponed,” says Donna.
               Out of the corner of my eye, Rowan deflates like a pin-
            pricked balloon. Her bony shoulders round and her spine
            curves, the silhouette of a spoon. She’s been buzzing with
            excitement over a new girl joining RR for a good decade; her
            first victim in weeks.
               Behind all of us, the staff door bursts open and the nurses
            file out, filling the hallway with commotion. Voices rise and
            fall. Instructions are called. Bic pens click against the nurses’

            cat-scratched clipboards.
               “Sweeps, ladies,” Nurse Hart orders, her voice climbing
            high above the rest. We line up like ducks, prepared to have
            our hair tied up, our sleeves rolled, and our nails filed so we
            can’t hide anything so much as a crumb under the beds. Once
            Donna scraped chocolate under her nails and Kelly, our di-
            etitian, gave her an hour long lecture about normalizing the

            stigma of chocolate. Kelly is the only RR staff member we call
            by first name, probably because she’s fun-sized and looks like
            she could be a patient here herself. Kelly says eating disorders
            have a sneaky way of holding on to things—even just con-
            tinuing to fear chocolate after RR could trigger Donna into her
            eating disorder behaviors again. So Donna had to replace the

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