Page 2 - My FlipBook
P. 2


            Social and emotional learning (SEL) helps children manage emotions, learn
            how to feel empathy, create and achieve goals, and make good decisions.
            Strong lessons and support in SEL will help children establish positive habits
            in communication, cooperation, and decision-making. By incorporating SEL
            in early reading, children will learn the importance of communication and
            self-advocacy when working with others.

            BEFORE READING
            Talk to the reader about the importance of advocating for oneself in group work.
            Discuss: Think of a time you needed to speak up for yourself. What did
            you do and say? Were you able to communicate your needs and wants?

            AFTER READING
            Talk about the importance of good communication and how it can help
            group work go smoothly.
            Discuss: What does it mean to be assertive? Why is it important to speak
            up for yourself?

            SEL GOAL
            Children may have a difficult time understanding self-advocacy, especially when
            it comes to group work. Encourage readers to identify times they should speak
            up for themselves. Have children role-play and practice what they can say to
            advocate for themselves. Explain that when everyone advocates for him or
            herself and communicates well, everyone is equipped to do their best work.
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