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            adapted  changed in order to handle new conditions
            ancient  from a very long time ago

            bite force  the power of an animal’s bite
            environment  the conditions that surround a living thing

            estimate  to make a careful guess about the size, cost, or value
              of something

            exhibit  something that is shown to many people
            extinct  when a type of plant or animal has died out and there
              are no more of them alive on Earth

            fossils  the hardened remains of things that lived long ago
            paleontologist  a scientist who studies fossils to find out about
              life in the past
            prey  animals that are hunted and eaten by other animals

            related  belonging to the same family

                                                           Fossils help scientists
                                                         understand what dinosaurs
                                                          looked like. They can use
                                                          this information to build
                                                              models of them.

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