Page 10 - Gutsy Daredevils
P. 10

Consider This!

             Take a Position! Some animals are built to be daredevils. Humans have to invent tools to help them be
             daredevils. What are some examples of this? Do you think humans should be daredevils? Why or why not?
             Think About It! Some animals are in danger of losing their homes. For example, humans are destroying
             rainforests. This affects several animals in this book. What do you think about this issue?
             Learn More
             •   Article: National Geographic Kids - “Orangutan.” March 1, 2014:
             •   Article: National Geographic – “These Snakes Can Jump—and Scientists Want to Know Why” by Jason Bittel.
                November 14, 2019:


             BASE jumpers (BAYS JUHM-purs) people who jump   predators (PREH-duh-turz) animals that hunt other
             off objects from high places                  animals for food
             daredevils (DEHR-deh-vuhls) people or animals   prey (PRAY) animals hunted for food
             who do dangerous things
                                                           provoked (pruh-VOHKD) angered someone or
             flexible (FLEK-suh-buhl) easy to move         something

             hooves (HOOVZ) the hard part that covers the   survive (sur-VYV) stay alive
             foot of an animal such as a sheep or horse
             parachute (PAR-uh-shoot) safety device that helps
             people glide or fall


             anacondas, 9          climbing, 6–8, 15, 16, 18, 21  orangutans, 5, 12–14  sheep, 18–20
             apes, 5, 12–14        geckos, 6–8, 21       parachutes, 16        sloths, 11–12, 21
             arctic foxes, 21      geese, 21, 22–23      predators and prey, 9, 20,   snakes, 9, 16–17, 21
             attacks, 9                                    22                  survival, 4
                                   humans, 9, 15
             baby animals, 14, 20, 21,                   Rosolie, Paul, 9      tools, 14, 21
               22–23               lizards, 6–8                                tree snakes, 16–17, 21
             barnacle geese, 21, 22–23                   Rusinov, Alexander, 15
             bharals, 18–20        mating, 19
                                   mountain sheep, 18–20

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