Page 7 - My FlipBook
P. 7
The presence of a
police of cer or police
vehicle represents the
lowest level on the use
of force continuum.
That presence is
often enough to deter
criminal activity.
When empty hand techniques are not enough to bring a situ-
ation under control, the next stage on the use of force continu-
um allows police offi cers to use their weapons. Graham v. Con-
nor specifi es that police must only use force in proportion to the
threat that is presented, so there are stages of escalating force.
The fi rst stage usually involves the use of intermediate weapons,
which are less lethal than fi rearms. The police offi cer may use a
baton or projectile, a chemical device such as pepper spray, or
a conducted energy device (often called a Taser, after a popular
brand) to immobilize a resisting person. In some police depart-
ments, offi cers are required to warn the person before using an
intermediate weapon.
If a situation reaches the point at which an offi cer believes the
person threatens the lives of others, including the offi cer, the of-
fi cer is permitted to use his or her fi rearm. Police can also shoot