Page 4 - Cyberattacks and Cyberscams: Is There an End in Sight?
P. 4


                    Cyberscams and



               As Americans rummaged through closets for red, white, and
               blue to wear and wave for their 2021 Independence Day cele-
               brations, a notorious Russia-based cybergang launched its own
               fi reworks. Just before the July 4 holiday weekend, REvil (short
               for Ransomware Evil) hackers embedded ransomware into an
               update from Kaseya, a US-based software provider with tens
               of  thousands  of  clients  worldwide.  The  ransomware  infected
               Kaseya’s business customers and then spilled down the supply
               chain to infect the customers of Kaseya’s customers. The single
               blow impacted hundreds of organizations. The ransomware en-

               crypted fi les and demanded a ransom from each customer for
               the release of their fi les. Town offi cials, librarians, dentists, and
               other victims lost access to records, billing systems, emails, and
               anything else stored on their computers. The ransomware shot
               around the globe, hitting a hospital in Romania, freezing com-
               puters at schools in New Zealand, and bringing down about
               seven hundred Swedish grocery stores. Soon after the attack,
               according to the cybersecurity company Sophos, REvil gloated
               on its website that it had infected over 1 million devices. For $70
               million in Bitcoin, REvil promised to provide Kaseya a universal
               decryptor, which Kaseya could then provide to its customers.

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