Page 8 - The Inprovoked War: Russia's Invasion of Ukraine
P. 8

a special military operation. “The purpose of this operation is to
              protect people who . . . have been facing humiliation and geno-
              cide perpetrated by the Kiev [Kyiv] regime. To this end, we will
              seek to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine.” 1

                                  Fierce Opposition
              Russia is the largest nation in Eastern Europe, with a population of
              145 million and military troops numbering 850,000. Russia’s su-
              perior weapons and nuclear capability make it one of the world’s
              most formidable military powers. In contrast, Ukraine’s popula-
              tion is about 43 million; its military has about 200,000 active-duty
                                     Russia’s invasion has caused immense suf-
                                 fering throughout Ukraine. Russian tanks and
     “We are going to fi ght for   troops have assaulted Ukrainian cities, caus-
     our land. We have to pro-
     tect the people we love     ing thousands of civilian casualties, including
     and the land we live on.    people tortured and murdered. Cruise missiles
     I hope for the best, but I   and cluster bombs have hit apartment build-
     do what I can to protect    ings,  schools,  hospitals,  and  shopping  cen-
     my land.” 2
                                 ters, adding to the civilian death toll. Millions of
     — Territorial Defense Forces   Ukrainians have fl ed to neighboring countries
       volunteer Yaryna Arieva
                                 in hopes of avoiding the advancing Russian
                                 forces. Though at fi rst it seemed to the world
                                 that Putin would enjoy a swift and decisive vic-
              tory, that has not happened. Ukraine has mounted a formidable
              defense thanks to its courageous people and their young and
              fearless president.
                 Volodymyr Zelenskyy, elected president of Ukraine in 2019 at
              the age of forty-one, rejected pleas to leave the country for his own
              safety. Instead, he has become a symbol of Ukrainian resistance.
              Zelenskyy’s nightly speeches, which are posted on social media,
              have rallied the Ukrainian people and exposed the lies spread by
              Putin’s constant disinformation efforts. He has called on his citi-
              zens to oppose the invasion and has entreated other nations to
              supply Ukraine with military equipment and monetary aid.

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