Page 5 - Software Engineer
P. 5

Apps Engineers

               Computer applications software engineers are called apps engi-
               neers. They focus on creating programs. An apps engineer typi-
               cally does not build an entire app alone. He or she works with
               other apps engineers to construct an app, much the way a house
               is built using carpenters, welders, plumbers, tilers, and so on.
               Different engineers with different specialties work on different as-
               pects of the application.
                   As a whole, apps engineers design, construct, deploy, and
               maintain general computer applications software, such as Micro-
               soft Outlook, Excel, or PowerPoint. They might also work on spe-
               cialized programs that are specifi cally designed for a company
               or a product, such as the contact information forms used by a
               school. The most effective apps engineers build software pro-
               grams by analyzing the needs of end users—the people who will
               end up using the software or product.

                  Software engineers spend the bulk of their working hours at their
                  computers. They design, develop, and test software. They also create,
                  test, and evaluate applications for computers and electronic devices.

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