Page 5 - A Career in Civil Engineering
P. 5


               What Does a Civil

               Engineer Do?

               Civil engineers design, build, supervise, operate, and main-
               tain construction projects and systems. They are also involved
               in creating  and managing budgets  for projects  and for getting
               the necessary permits to build the structures and systems. Civil
               engineers who focus more on design will spend a lot of time in
               meetings with clients, architects, and government agencies. Civil
               engineers who focus more on construction will spend a lot of time
               at the site, working with contractors and subcontractors. Both
               types of work are rewarding.
                   A 2017 survey of members of the  American Society of Civil
               Engineers (ASCE) found that civil engineers are generally happy
               with their salaries and the work they do. The Bureau of Labor
               Statistics reports that the median annual salary for civil engineers
               in 2016 was more than $80,000. More experienced engineers
               and those who are in supervisory roles in large fi rms can expect
               to make well into six fi gures. They are also encouraged about the
               future of their profession. “It’s an exciting time to be a civil engi-
               neer,” says longtime engineer and engineering professor Norma
               Jean Mattei, president of the ASCE, adding,

                   As professionals, we take pride in our work as the stew-
                   ards of the nation’s infrastructure and value educational
                   and technical advancement. . . . The salary survey results
                   show that our skills are appreciated by the market through
                   compensation and other benefi ts. Not only is the profes-
                   sion a fun and exciting one, it is also one where you can
                   make a good livelihood. 2

                   Civil engineering involves so many different fi elds that some
               engineers become specialists while others prefer to be generalists.

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