Page 7 - My FlipBook
P. 7

But cell phones, tablets, and other devices
                                   are computers too. Even modern alarm

                                   clocks, refrigerators, and TVs follow coded

                                          Think like Ada Lovelace
                                          One hundred years before computers existed,
                                          Ada Lovelace dreamed about machines that
                                          could solve problems or make music. In 1834 she
                                          worked with Charles Babbage on a design for
                                          the first programmable mechanical calculator.
                                          Lovelace knew that she needed to represent her
                                          thoughts in ways the machine could understand.
                                          Even though the machine was never built,
                                          Lovelace imagined how it would have worked.
                                          That’s how she became the world’s first coder!

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