Page 5 - P!nk, Pop Powerhouse
P. 5

that people sometimes call her ugly too . But she wasn’t

                        changing and her daughter didn’t need to either .
                          P!nk told the audience, “And I said to her, ‘Do you see
                        me growing my hair?’ She said, ‘No, mama .’ I said, ‘Do
                        you see me changing my body?’ ‘No, mama .’ ‘Do you see

                        me changing the way I present myself to the world?’ ‘No,
                        mama .’ ‘Do you see me selling out arenas all over the
                        world?’ ‘Yes, mama .’ ”
                          The audience erupted in cheers before P!nk continued .

                        “We don’t change,” she said . “And we help other people to
                        change so they can see more kinds of beauty .”
                                                           P!nk ended her speech
                                                         by thanking all the artists

                                                          in the audience for being
                                                          true to themselves and
                                                          inspiring others . She
                                                          had grown a lot since

                                                           her start as a singer and
                                                           performer, and she had
                                                           become a role model to
                                                           millions of fans .

                                                         P!nk and her daughter,
                                                         Willow, pose at the 2017
                                                         MTV Video Music Awards.

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