Page 9 - Where Have All the Birds Gone?: Nature in Crisis
P. 9

Index                           ecology, 39, 88
                                             ecosystem, 18, 39, 64, 81, 86, 91
             American Bird Conservancy, 21,   Endangered Species Act, 21
                 44, 46                      Eng, Margaret, 65–68
                                             entomologist, 64–65, 82
             Bald and Golden Eagle Protection   evolution, 10, 45, 83–84, 86
                 Act, 21                     extinction, 9–11, 21, 33, 44–45, 79
             birds                             Cretaceous-Tertiary, 9–10
               conservation of, 14, 16, 21, 23,   mass, 9
                 45, 47, 52, 75, 78            overhunting as a cause of, 7–9
               extinction of, 9–11, 21, 33, 44, 79  pollution as a cause of, 9–10
               habitats of, 7, 14, 16–17, 19–21,
                 34–35, 45, 60–66, 70–71,    farming, 7, 9, 20–21, 51, 54, 58–64,
                 77–79, 88–93, 102–103          66, 68–71, 100
               hunting of, 7–9, 21, 38–42, 51–53,   habitat loss, 7, 20–21, 60–61,
                 56, 100                        70–71
               migratory, 5–8, 14–16, 28–37,   pesticides, 53–55, 59–63, 68–71
                 49–50, 52–53, 63, 65–68, 79,   sustainable, 69–71, 100
                 96, 99, 102                 Fatal Light Awareness Program
               nonmigratory, 34, 96             (FLAP), 35–36
               See also birds of prey; songbirds  flock, 5–7, 94–95
             birds of prey, 18, 21, 22, 42, 49–57,   flyways, 14, 28–29, 37, 52
                 96                            Atlantic Flyway, 28–29
             bird-watching, 5–6, 13, 15, 49–50,   Central Flyway, 28–29
                 53                            Mississippi Flyway, 28–29, 37
                                               Pacific Flyway, 28–29
             carnivore, 38                   food chains, 54, 63, 81, 84, 87
             Carson, Rachel, 48, 53–56, 61     bird, 54, 63, 81, 87–92
             cats, 30, 38–47, 78, 94, 99–100   insect, 54, 63, 87–92
               birds as victims of, 30, 38–47, 78,   native plant, 84, 87–92
                 94, 99–100
               colonies, 43, 46–47           habitat loss, 7, 19, 20–21, 45, 60,
               trap-neuter-return (TNR)         65, 70–71, 79, 93
                 programs, 43, 46
             climate change, 10–11, 65, 71,   Hawk Mountain, 48–53, 55
                 76–81, 101–102              Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, 48–49,
               acidification, 80, 81            53, 56–57
               pollution, 9–10
             conservation, 11, 21, 23, 44–47,
                 52–57, 78, 97

             deforestation, 7, 71–72
                 (DDT), 53–55, 61

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