Page 8 - Siksika Nation - Indigenous Communities in Canada
P. 8


                          artifacts                                        pemmican
                          objects representing a culture or a period in the   dried lean meat pounded finely and mixed with
                          development of a culture                         melted fat

                          bannock                                          powwows
                          round, flat, unsweetened cake made from          social gatherings held by First Nations Peoples
                          wheat flour, water, and sometimes fat; could
                          be combined with spices, dried fruit, and        reserve
                          other flavours
                                                                           land set aside for people to live on; many
                                                                           First Nations now prefer the term “First
                          ceremonial                                       Nations community”
                          having to do with a ceremony
                                                                           residential schools
                          dialect                                          schools that students live at for long periods
                          a form of language spoken in a particular area   of time

                          extinction                                       travois
                          the state of a species having completely died out  a platform suspended on two poles pulled
                                                                           by animals
                          pelts or skins taken from animals and treated to
                          be used by humans


                          heelless shoes or boots made of soft leather


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