Page 5 - My FlipBook
P. 5

A dogbane
                                                                         leaf beetle

                          Packed with Poison

                          The dogbane leaf beetle feeds
                         on poisonous plants such as
                         milkweed and dogbane. The
                         insect stores the plant’s poisons
                         inside its body, making itself
                         toxic to predators. The beetle’s
                         colorful, shiny body warns its
                         enemies that it’s not good to eat.

                A lichen katydid
                                                                   A Master of Disguise
                                                                   The dark body of this lichen katydid is
                                                                   decorated with pale silvery-green lines.
                                                                   The pattern allows the insect to easily
                                                                   blend in among the fluffy tufts of real
                                                                   lichen on a branch.

                        The Science Stuff—What Is an Insect?

             •   Insects are tiny animals          Antennae
              with a body made of three                                            The head contains an insect’s
              main parts.
                                                                                     brain, eyes, mouthparts,
                                                                                      and a pair of antennae.
             •     Insects use their antennae
              to do different things, such
             as touching, smelling, or
             detecting sounds.                                                      The thorax has six
                                                                                   jointed legs and the
            •   An insect has a tough                                                insect’s wings.
             outer covering called an

                                                                                       The abdomen
                                                                                    contains an insect’s
                                                                                   digestive system and
                                                                                    reproductive parts.
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