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                balcony  a platform                 duke  a man who holds the

                surrounded by railings on           rank below a prince in the
                the outside of a building           United Kingdom

                celebration  a gathering            future  a time that has not
                for a special event                 happened yet
                challenged  questioned if           legacy  something left by a

                something was right or not          person in the past
                charities  groups that try          mechanic  a person who

                to help people in need              works to fix machines, such
                Commonwealth  a group of            as cars and trucks
                states or nations that are          parliament  a group of

                led by the same ruler               people who have been
                duchess  a woman who                elected to make laws in the

                holds the rank below a              United Kingdom
                princess in the United              symbol  someone or
                Kingdom                             something that represents
                                                    something larger

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