Page 9 - #MeToo Movement
P. 9


                 administers  Applies     chronic  Taking place      a plant, animal, or
                   or dispenses             over a long time or      other organism; also
                                            recurring, as with       known as DNA or RNA
                 allergic reaction          symptoms of some
                   A response of the        diseases               herd immunity
                   body’s immune                                     A population’s ability
                   system to something    contagious  Spread         to prevent the spread
                   it senses as harmful.    from one person or       of a disease because
                                            organism to another
                   It can cause swelling,   through direct or        the majority of people
                   difficulty breathing,    indirect contact         have been vaccinated
                   and sometimes death                               or previously infected
                                          credible  Trusted, reliable
                 analyzing  Studying                               historical societies
                   carefully              current events  Events     Professional bodies
                                            happening now            preserving, collecting,
                 antibodies  Proteins     economy  How money         and interpreting
                   produced by the          is made, distributed,    historical information.
                   immune system to         and spent in a certain
                   fight off antigens       country or region      human right  A basic
                                                                     right based on shared
                 antigens  Substances     efficacy  The ability to   values that is believed
                   the immune system        achieve the desired      to belong to every
                   does not recognize       outcome; effectiveness   person in the world
                   and fights against     epidemic  A disease      immunity  The body’s

                 attenuated  Reduced        that spreads quickly     ability to resist a
                   or weakened in effect,   to a large amount        disease
                   force, or value          of people over a
                                            wide area              immunization  The act
                 bias  Strong feelings for   feces  Waste material   of making someone
                   or against something                              immune to something,
                                            released from the
                 boosters  Doses of a       bowels after food has    often through
                   vaccine administered     been digested            vaccination
                   after the first one to   genetic material       maimed  Scarred,
                   raise the effectiveness   The material that stores   disfigured, or
                   of the vaccine           the genetic code of      permanently damaged

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