Page 10 - My FlipBook
P. 10


            A                             J                            R
            acceptance, 7                 Jewish people, 9, 11         religion, 10–11
            appearance, 14, 16            K                            respect, 13, 20
            appreciation, 7, 9            knowledge, 9                   for diversity, 16–19
            assumptions, 14–15            L                              ways of showing, 7, 9
            C                             languages, 15                rudeness, 21
            culture, 12–13                learning, 13                 S
            curiosity, 13                 listening, 12–13             Shabbat, 11
            D                             M                            similarities, 7, 8–11
            differences, 8–11, 21         meanness, 21                 synagogue, 11
              accepting and               mosques, 11                  T
                   appreciating, 7        Muslim people, 11            talking, 11
            diversity                                                  U
              respecting, 13, 16–19       P                            understanding, 9
              what it is, 4–7             people                       unfairness, 21
                                            different kinds of, 4–5
            F                               meeting and getting        uniqueness, 20–21
            family, 12–13                       to know, 7             V
            feelings, 16–17, 18             showing respect for, 20    variety, 5
            friends, 7, 18                prayer, 11
              and differences, 21         Q                            W
                                                                       wheelchairs, 14–15
            H                             questions, 12–15             words, 9
            hijab, 11
            holidays, 8                                                Y
                                                                       yarmulke, 11

            ABOUT THE AUTHOR

            Emily Chiariello is an anti-bias educator, educational consultant, and former
            classroom teacher. She is the principal author of the Learning for Justice Social
            Justice Standards. Emily lives in Buffalo, New York.

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