Page 8 - My FlipBook
P. 8


            accurately (AK-yuh-ruht-lee) correctly         knowledge (NAH-lij) information or
            assuming (uh-SOO-ming) believing
            something without asking or checking           mosque (MAHSK) a Muslim house
            if it’s true                                   of worship

            culture (KUHL-chuhr) the way of life,          respect (rih-SPEKT) to be considerate
            ideas, customs, and traditions of a            of someone else’s beliefs or feelings
            group of people
                                                           Shabbat (shuh-BAHT) the Jewish day
            discover (dih-SKUH-vuhr) to find or            of worship
            learn something
                                                           synagogue (SIH-nuh-gahg) a Jewish
            diverse (dye-VUHRSS) varied                    house of worship

            diversity (duh-VUHR-suh-tee) a variety         yarmulke (YAH-muh-kuh) a skullcap
                                                           worn by some Jewish men
            hijab (hee-JAHB) a cloth head covering
            worn by some Muslim women

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