Page 9 - My FlipBook
P. 9

4. Go on a Hike                                      Going on a hike means
                                                                 walking somewhere—usually
                                                                 to a place further away than
                                                                 you would normally walk.

                 Pick a route. Decide           Gather your gear. Check
           1 where to go. Short hikes,  3 the weather forecast and        all you need
               about 2–3 miles long, are      decide whether to put       • Comfortable shoes
               good for beginners.            rain gear, warm clothes,    • Backpack
                                              sunscreen, etc. in your
               Work out your timing.          backpack.                   • Drink and food
            2  Most people can walk at
               about 3 mph, so a 6 mile         Go hiking. Stick to your
               hike will take 2–3 hours,  4 route, stop when you are
               including stops.               tired or see something
                 Take water to drink, and     interesting, and enjoy
               on hikes of more than 2        being outside!
               hours take food too.

                                                                        Route notes
                                                                        Tell an adult your route and
                                                                        when you will be back. Then
                                                                        they will know if you’re late
                                                                        and where to look for you.

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