Page 4 - My FlipBook
P. 4

The words inside the moon are beautiful. It’s a poem of
           sorts. About the tide, maybe. Or perhaps it’s a metaphor, but
           the words are mesmerizing. Waves of stars, and saves and wars.
               Behind me, I hear the hiss of whispering.
               I glance over my shoulder.
               The Sophias (yeah, they’re both named Sophia) are here.
           They accompanied me—courtesy of my dad’s wallet—to a
           Vagabonds show a couple years back, way before the band’s
           hiatus. We got along for a while, the Sophias and me. We hung
           out, talked about the band, stocked up at Sephora together,
           and binged on coffee and scones. Then one day, on a text they
           didn’t realize was a group text, I caught them talking about me.

               Sophia 1: She’s kind of weird isn’t she?
               Sophia 2: We’re all sort of weird.
               Sophia 1: But she’s like not a GOOD weird.
               Sophia 1: She thinks she’s so cool cuz she’s been
                  on stage.
               Sophia 2: She’s not even that good.
               Sophia 1: Must be nice to have Daddy hook you up
                  for the rest of your life.
               Sophia 2: And can you say obsessed? Is she capable
                  of talking about anything besides Broadway and
                  bands and sheet music?

               Um . . . obviously I’m capable, but what else of importance
           is there to discuss? Did I complain about their constant chatter
           about this guy or that guy, or mascara this, or lipliner that? It’s
           not like the Sophias can handle a debate about the economy.
           What else were we supposed to talk about?

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