Page 7 - My FlipBook
P. 7

Hayley: Get ready to be fabulous in 5, 4, 3, 2 . . .

                  Hayley always remembers when I have an audition, and she
               always makes sure to pump me up beforehand. I’ve been per-
               forming since I was practically a toddler, and Hayley’s been
               there to support me every step of the way.
                  Hayley’s the one person I never feel discombobulated
               around. Even though we hardly hang out anymore, and she’s
               on to the next phase of her life—which has very little to do with
               me—she’s still my best friend. She’s been there for me since I
               was tiny.
                  She was there for me when I was being torn in opposite
               directions by the two entities who vowed to keep me whole.
               She was there for me while I watched my parents’ marriage
               slowly and angrily disintegrate, and then again as they battled
               in court for years before the divorce was final. I don’t know
               what I would’ve done without her. My parents weren’t thinking
               of me unless they were arguing over who’d gain control of the
               trust that holds my earnings.
                  Now, my parents don’t speak to each other. Ever. They
               communicate through me, which is to say they throw shade at
               each other through me, and it’s exhausting. Why can’t they just
               get it together and be decent to each other?
                  Heart palpitations. I can’t think about it all right now.
                  I breathe. Relax. Sink into the music.
                  The alerts on my phone add to the symphony surrounding
                  The murmur of fifty conversations echoes around the room.
                  Raindrops spatter against the copper awning outside.
                  The occasional crash of thunder reverberates through the
               walls of this old building.

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