Teens and Body Image - page 7

What Issues Do Teens Have with Their Bodies?
Weight and Body Image
Even though a certain amount of weight gain is a natural part of puberty,
about one in five teens struggles with obesity—which in the United States is
defined as having a body mass index of 30 or above. Since the 1980s (when
only about one in twenty teens was obese), rates of childhood obesity have
increased dramatically. The reason for the increase is not clear. However,
being overweight or obese can significantly
damage body image. Overweight teens can be
profoundly affected by negative reactions to
their appearance from peers, teachers, coaches,
family members, and society in general.
Being underweight is also problematic—
especially for teen boys. Boys who are leaner
than their peers are subject to teasing, physi-
cal bullying, and social exclusion. “A boy who
is skinny is associated with being weak or
small or maybe they are teased and called a
explains body image expert Robyn Silverman. Boys are also more
likely to use dangerous methods to try to gain muscle, such as binge eat-
ing, excessive exercise, or steroid use.
Height and Dating
“I was in eighth grade when I started to notice that I was different from
everyone else,” remembers Kimberly Couzens, a blogger for the online
Huffington Post
. “I grew from 5'4" to 5'9" in a single school
year and my subsequent awkwardness was obvious.” Couzens, who
reached a final height of five feet eleven inches, remembers how self-
conscious her height made her feel. “My height was an unavoidable re-
minder that I was different, and being different isn’t cool or fun when
you’re a teenager who wants to fit in.”
Girls who are tall or who go through an early growth spurt can feel
clumsy and unfeminine—especially when they compare themselves to
their thinner, lighter peers. Meanwhile, boys who are short or who get
their growth spurt late can feel as though their stature makes them less
masculine. Both situations can impact teen dating. Teens who are just
starting to date are often extremely self-conscious, and a discrepancy in
Being over-
weight or
obese can
body image.
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