Page 6 - Scar Girl
P. 6

L e n V L a h o s

              HARBINGER JONES
              We decided to take the next day off from rehearsal.

                  But I never take a day off from the guitar. I was hanging
              out in the basement in my parents’ house, watching The
              Price is Right, the guitar on my lap.
                  After a while I found myself picking the same riff over

              and over again. It was kind of beautiful. Maybe that sounds
              immodest, but it’s the only word I can use to describe what
              I was hearing. Everything around me dropped away. The
              TV became a blur of muted color, the cheering of the game-

              show audience faded to static. The only thing I could hear
              was that riff.
                  That’s kind of amazing because my guitar wasn’t even
              plugged in. When you play the electric  guitar, you can

              barely hear it if it’s not plugged in. But when you play often
              enough, your brain interprets what little sound there is and
              compensates for it. It’s like my brain engaged some sort of
              organic alpha-wave amplifier that allowed me to hear that

              riff with perfect clarity.
                  I played it over and over again until it had the rhythm
              and cadence of a slow-moving train. Next thing I knew, my
              hands shifted to a chord progression built off the line I’d

              been playing, and I knew I had a song.
                  I started singing, the words more or less coming to me
              without interruption.
                  I  bet  when  authors  write  books,  they  probably get

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