Page 7 - Scar Girl
P. 7

S car  G I r L

             into a zone where whole chapters pour out of them with-
             out  ever once  needing  Wite-Out.  That’s  what  happened

             to me.
                A song. This song. It was just floating in the air or
             in my brain, or maybe in the background hum of Bob
             Barker hawking everyday household items, and somehow

             it came out of my hands and out of my mouth. It was a
             kind of magic.
                When I was done, I turned the TV off and called Johnny.
             Someone needed to hear this.

                “Yeah,” Johnny said when I called him. “C’mon over,
             I’m just listening to music.”
                I could hear in his voice that Johnny was  kind of
             out of it. He had good days and bad days, and after the

             excitement of the CB’s gig, I think he was having a bad
             day. I didn’t really like to be around Johnny when he was
             like that—I guess I saw too much of myself in him; it hit
             too close to home—but I also knew that’s when he needed

             me the most.
                He was sitting on the floor of his bedroom when I got
             to his house, his back leaning up against his desk. Above
             his head, on the desk blotter, were three brown vials of

             prescription  medicines.  I  couldn’t  read  the  labels,  but
             figured they must be painkillers or antibiotics to stave off
             any infection that might have lingered in his stump. I used
             to have those little bottles lined up in my room, too.

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