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TURNING               POINTS

                                                CHAPTER THREE

                         RESCUE AND

         THE 9/11 ATTACKS

                                   fter the north tower’s collapse, New York mayor Rudolph Giuliani

                                      ordered the evacuation of Lower Manhattan. People left the city
                          A      on foot, weaving their way through ash-covered streets and

                          crossing bridges in large crowds. Others were taken by boat, staring back at
                          the skyline in shock. But rescue workers continued arriving. Firefighters tried

                          to combat the blazes that cropped up. Together with police, dogs, and other
                          workers, they searched for survivors in the rubble. At 5:20 p.m., the evacuated

                          47-story building at 7 WTC collapsed after burning for hours.
                                                    The constant media coverage continued. It replaced

                                                 regular programming on networks throughout the
                                                 country, replaying the crashes and aftermath over

                                                 and over. Confusion and rumors sometimes led to
                                                 false alarms and inaccurate reports, including one of

                                                 a car bombing. Many worried that a second wave
                                                  of attacks was coming. Even as facts slowly came in,

                                                  though, officials had already zeroed in on al Qaeda
                                                  and identified all 19 hijackers. (Bin Laden would not

                                                  admit the organization’s involvement until 2004.)
                       New York first responder

                       Newspapers in other cities printed extra editions
                       of their daily papers after the attacks.

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