Page 7 - My FlipBook
P. 7

The conversation sparked changes in her home. Greta had learned

            that planes have the highest emissions. Her mom flew in planes for her
            job. The girl convinced her mom to give up flying. Greta also learned

            about the carbon footprint from animal products. She became vegan,
            giving up all animal products, while her dad gave up eating meat.

              FOOD’S FOOTPRINT
              Food has a large carbon footprint. It takes a

              lot of energy to grow plants. Farmers
              use machines and products that
              create pollution. Animals require
              more energy, which creates
              more emissions. Many animals,
              such as cows, also release gas
              from digestion. Food products are
              transported, often long distances.
              This adds even more emissions.

              People can reduce their carbon
              footprint by eating less meat. Buying food from
              local sources can make a big difference, as well.

            fossil fuel: a fuel (such as coal, oil, or natural gas) that is formed in the earth
            from the remains of living plants or animals; burning fossil fuels produces
            carbon dioxide and contributes to climate change
            emissions: something given off as a result of operating, such as carbon
            dioxide emissions from flying a plane
            carbon footprint: the amount of carbon dioxide (and other carbon compounds)
            a person or group releases into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels

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