Page 10 - JFP_TEMP_FPGS.indd
P. 10


                  Veering away from the path, Asha cut into the little forest, and
                  they crashed through the undergrowth after her. With each
                  step, hope grew in Malcolm’s chest.
                     They burst through the tree line and stopped in their tracks.
                  Two dozen soldiers formed a double line between the twins and
                  the Empyrean Bridge.
                     Out in front, a short and stocky soldier put a ‹nger to his ear
                  as if listening to something, then nodded and drew a gleaming
                     Malcolm sighed. They didn’t have time for this.
                     “Watchers!” the soldier said. “Protect the—”
                     Pointing forward, Malcolm created two walls of ice down
                  the center of the Watchers’ formation, ten feet tall and thicker
                  than a man. Following his gestures, one wall slid left and the
                  other slid right. Like giant brooms, they swept the soldiers aside
                  and cleared a path to the platform. Valentine and Asha sprinted
                  through the opening.
                     On reaching the platform, Asha knelt and placed her ‹n-
                  gertips on a particular stone. It glowed in response and a control
                  panel rose up.
                     Before the Watchers could counterassault, Malcolm curved
                  the walls and froze their ends together, making two perfect cir-
                  cles with them trapped inside. Shouting challenges, they hacked
                  at the ice, but normal weapons would never break through.
                  If they had more powerful weapons, Malcolm guessed they
                  wouldn’t use them so close to their comrades.
                     With a wave of Asha’s hand, two virtual keyboards projected
                  from the control panel and a three-dimensional holographic
                  display glowed to life above them. She called instructions to
                  Valentine as her ‹ngers £ew across her own keyboard. The
                  Empyrean Bridge’s three massive rings began to move.


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