Page 6 - My FlipBook
P. 6

Mr. Gordon smiles at her. “Well, Ms. Martinez, what
                                                                       could possibly be sexist about empowering young women
                                                                             “Well, Santa, I’m glad you asked.” She grins right back
                                                      ăõĈùăĄͧͭ ăøõ ñăûă ćùĄøÿąĄ Ăñùăùþ÷ øõĂ øñþô͞  øõ ҏùĀă ñ üÿþ÷͛
                                                          òüñóû óąĂü ÿ҆ øõĂ ăøÿąüôõĂ òõöÿĂõ ñôúąăĄùþ÷ øõĂ üõĄĄõĂýñþͫă
                                                             jacket. “That was rhetorical, because the answer is ‘Of course
                                                                                           a guy to a dance anytime I want,” she says matter-of-factly.
                                                                                              “Second, wasn’t Sadie Hawkins something created in the
                                                                                                    ried women chased the bachelors in town and married the
                                                                                 ñĄ øùý͞ ͬ ùĂ㥠ÿ҆͛ ćøÿ ăñĉă ÷ùĂüă þõõô ñ 㥹Āùô ôñþóõ Ąÿ
                                                                                    give us permission to ask a guy on a date? We’re not in the
                                                                                       stone age.” The girl leans forward over her desk. “I can ask
                                                    øõ ÷ùĂü ăùĄĄùþ÷ ñĄ ýĉ üõґ ăþÿĂĄă͞ ͬ ăþͫĄ  ñôùõ  ñćûùþă
                            Day dance?” Mr. Gordon, standing, picks up a dry eraser
                               from the whiteboard ledge and tosses it from one of his
                         you lovely ladies have asked a young man to the Valentine’s
                  Mr. Gordon clears his throat again and speaks up so the
                     whole class can hear him. “Speaking of charm, how many of
                                  hands to the other. He looks at me, as he explains. “It’s not
                                         fun to use that little twist for good ol’ V-Day.” He looks up,
                                            back to addressing the rest of the class.  “Now you know
                                      Sadie Hawkins, per se, but we teachers thought it would be
           side of the parking lot, in an open grassy area, the janitor,
                                                                                                 thirties as a joke or comic strip or something where unmar-
               driving a humongous green tractor, moves stacks of hay.
                                                                          to choose a date for themselves? For a dance that we—”
                                                what we guys have to go through all the time!”
                                                                                                        one they caught?”

                                                                it is.’”                                        18
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