Page 8 - My FlipBook
P. 8

“Ms. Parker,” Mr. Gordon calls. I nod at Christina and

               stand to get my book.   ґõĂ óüñăă͛  øĂùăĄùþñ ăýùüõă ñĄ ýõ ñă ăøõ ĀąĄă øõĂ òÿÿû  ùþ øõĂ òñ÷͞   ÷Ăñò ýĉ 㥹҆͛ øõñôùþ÷ öÿĂ Ąøõ ôÿÿĂ͞  øõ öÿüüÿćă  me into the hallway. “Hey, Victoria!” I turn to face her, and we both keep walking. “Do you  want to sit with me and my friends at lunch?” she asks.  þ ùýñ÷õ ÿö ýõ ăùĄĄùþ÷ ćùĄø Ąøõ ĀĂõĄĄĉ͛ óÿþ҉ôõþĄ͛ ñþô  ôõ҉þùĄõüy chatty  øĂùăĄùþñ ҏñăøõă ùþ ýĉ ýùþô͞  øõ üõñþă  over the lunch table and smiles at me lik
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