Page 8 - My FlipBook
P. 8

Unlike most pirates of the time, Blackbeard could read and write.
                             It is believed that he was well educated, which probably means
                                       knows where his treasure was hidden. Rumors say it was buried
                                     Blackbeard had amassed much wealth as a pirate, but no one
                                                 of North Carolina. Divers have discovered various artifacts in
                                                              May 1718:   Blackbeard   blockades the city   of Charleston  November 22,  November 22,  1718: Blackbeard   is killed by British   naval officer   Robert Maynard  MARTINIQUE
                                               In 1996, the Queen Anne’s Revenge was found off the coast
                     Edward Teach is probably not Blackbeard’s real name. It is
                      likely that he used this name to hide his true identity.

                                                              mid-1710s: Edward   Teach joins the   crew of Benjamin   Hornigold  1717: Edward Teach  1717: Edward Teach captures La Concorde,  which he renames the  Queen Anne’s Revenge,  Queen Anne’s Revenge,   and soon becomes  and soon becomes  known as Blackbeard known as Blackbeard  OCRACOKE INLET,   O  NORTH CAROLINA  N  BATH,    NORTH CAROLINA  N  M

                                that he came from a wealthy family.  somewhere, but to this day, it has not been found.  the wreckage, but they have not found any treasure.  1680: Edward Teach, better  known as Blackbeard, is  believed to have been born  1702–1714:  1702–1714:  Queen Anne rules   over Great Britain   and Ireland and Ireland  CHARLESTON,   HARLESTON  SOUTH CAROLINA

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