Page 4 - The Science of Infectious Diseases
P. 4


                 Menacing Microbes

                 Human beings suffer from two basic kinds of disease: in-
                 fectious diseases and noninfectious, or noncommunicable,
                 diseases (NCDs). NCDs originate inside the body and can-
                 not be spread to other people. Heart disease, cancer, and
                 diabetes are three of the best-known NCDs. NCDs are re-
                 sponsible for most deaths worldwide, claiming the lives of
                 41 million people per year. Seven out of every ten deaths are
                 caused by NCDs, according to the WHO.
                    The other main killers are infectious diseases, or commu-
                 nicable diseases. About two out of every ten deaths world-
                 wide are caused by infectious diseases. (The other 10 percent
                 of deaths are from accidents, drug overdoses, and suicides.)
                 Infectious diseases do not originate inside the body. Instead,
                 they develop when microorganisms—organisms so small
                 they can only be seen with a microscope—invade the body
                 from the outside and disrupt its healthy functioning. Some
                 infectious diseases, including measles, mumps, and chicken
                 pox, make a person sick but usually are not life threatening.
                 Other infectious diseases, including COVID-19, HIV/AIDS,
                 and tuberculosis, can kill, and they often do.

                 Helpful Microbes
                 Not all microorganisms, or microbes, make a person sick.
                 Countless microbes live on a person’s skin, in the mucous
                 membranes, and deep in the digestive tract. Ten trillion
                 microbes reside in the gut alone. In fact, the number of
                 microbial cells in the human body is greater than the num-

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